Episode Summary
En este episodio del TCIA Podcast, nos acompañan Daniel Aburto de Bartlett Tree Experts y Robin Kennedy de TCIA para hablar sobre la importancia de la educación.
On this episode of the TCIA Podcast, we are joined by Daniel Aburto of Bartlett Tree Experts, and Robin Kennedy of TCIA, to discuss the importance of education. TCIA is making this episode exclusively in Spanish to celebrate Spanish heritage month.
About Daniel
Daniel Aburto ha trabajado en la industria verde desde 2005. Ha trabajado en Bartlett como Groundsman/Operador de suelo por 2 años, Climber/Trepador por 2 años, Foreman/Jefe de cuadrilla por 3 años, PHC Specialist por 6 años y durante estos mismos 6 años fue miembro del Comité de seguridad de la oficina de Raleigh NC. Actualmente trabaja como coordinador de seguridad, reclutamiento y capacitacion de Bartlett en Mexico ya 5 años ahora, Conductor LCC (CDL), con licencia de Aplicación de pesticida de Carolina del Norte, con certificacion de Arbolista, Tree Worker, CTSP, QCL, OSHA 10 y 30 hrs. Su inspiración y motivo para salir adelante y buscar oportunidades y aprovecharlas es su familia: su madre, su esposa y sus hijas.
Daniel Aburto has worked in the tree care industry since 2005. He has worked with Bartlett as a Groundsman for 2 years, Climber for 2 years, Crew Leader for 3 years, and PHC Specialist for 6 years. During those same years, he was a member of the Security Committee in the Raleigh, NC office. He has been working as Safety, Recruiting and Training Coordinator for Bartlett in Mexico for the last 5 years. He is a certified CDL Driver, licensed in North Carolina for Pesticide Application, Certified Arborist, Tree Worker, CTSP, QCL, OSHA 10 and 30 hrs. His inspiration and reason for striving and seeking opportunities and taking advantage of them are his family: his mother, his wife and his daughters.
Additional Episodes
Check out our conversation with Matthew Meckley in “Having an Escape Plan“!
Check out our conversation with Megan Kacenski in “Overcoming Expectations“!